Constructive tool

   Constructive tool 

The computer is used for manipulating information, visualizing one's understanding and building new knowledge. When the word constructive tools come to my mind, I feel that the tool would help the user to construct knowledge
The word 'constructive' stems from the fact that these tools enable users to produce a certain tangible product for a given instructional purpose.
for example, concept map programs allow users to brainstorm and visualize their understanding of relationships among a collection of concepts.

Integration with lessons
For example, using a word processor which is very useful in supporting instruction on the writing process.  students can create drafts using various editing functions of the word processor so in this case, students will many other features which is a skill for learners. so, in this case, the computer plays a significant role as a constructive tool enhancing students expression of their own thinking. There are many other features to use as a constructive tool not only a word processor as a constructive tool.

a common misuse of the constructive tool is that although the focus of the learning outcome is on 'deep learning' the tools are being used in an instructive manner rather than constructive manner.

Steps to create Constructive tool

1.             open the powerpoint

2.             select and insert  the required images 
3.             add text using textbox over the image
steps to enter animations 
1.             select an image
2.             go to add animations
3.             click to custom animations
4.             click to select entrance effects to appear the image
5.             click emphasize effect to make the image appear time and again. for example, click exit image and used fade 
clock exit effect to disappear the image when the next image appears


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