Information tool

Information tool
    Concept: Information tool refers to the tool which enhances information through different formats such as text, images, audio, animation, and graphics. Information tool can be used in various ways. In schools, it is used by teachers and students to have an effective teaching-learning session. It can act as a paradigm shift in the field of educating the young mind. For example, a teacher is teaching Letter Sound to the children in grade two, she/he can use the information tool to create a fun learning environment. The teacher will be able to boost learners through audio, images, animation, and graphics whereby they can engage actively.
 I feel that the text play a paramount role in teaching as well as learning. We will be able to express our thoughts and feelings through text, exchange information. A student who can learn with the text would enjoy every moments and scene.

         In many of the schools, every time children are being fed with teacher directed information where children do n't learn much from the teaching. The use of audio can solve the problem where the teacher allows children to learn in a fun way. For example, to teach about our country, the teacher can bring some songs dedicated to country or teacher can convert the text in the form of music where everybody enjoys learning. In that way, teaching-learning can be more effective. 

   When video, images, audio, and text come together as a form of information is call graphics. I think that the graphics as an information caters to diverse learners. For example, a teacher can bring a video lesson to teach about float and sink for class four and bring images, to audio teach other topics. Here graphics provides the opportunity in various form of learning for both learners as well as teachers. Images  
        Most of the children learn through well through images. A teacher can make students to interact with the images before taking them through the text. For example, if a teacher is going to teach on the topic forest from class four, she/he can bring an image of a tree to the class. Asking questions such as where can we fine tree? 

        Video lesson engages the learners as it makes the lesson lively.  It is one of an effective methods that replaces the monotonus ways of teaching. The information on the text can be conveied best by video as it involves two senese such as visual, and auditory.

We can create an illusion out of images and text using animation to convey information. If  one use  animation to plan lesson, then lesson become interesting for the learners. Teacher can transform the lesson of the day in the form of animation, so that children enjoy it. Therefore, information tool caters to all kinds of learners.  



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